
October 22, 2012

Care about Others..Seriously!!!

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." (Phillippians 2:4)
Good Morning Oddballers,
Hopefully all of you are ready to start a new week. I sure am. As emotional as last week was, I think I am ready to really hit this week head on. Lets make this week the best week yet. :D
So, today I wanted to just quickly go on a tangent about Caring for Others. According to most countries, America is horrible at this. Honestly, I don't blame them. Americans in general are selfish people. I tend to be selfish sometimes, I know my friends can be a bit selfish sometmes, and even the nicest people i know, still show signs of selfishness every once in awhile.
Don't feel bad if you have a bit of selfishness, it is quite normal, however, if the levels are a bit too much, (which in most cases is yes) then I suggest a bit of caring for others. How exactly do you do that??
Well, for me, its sympathy. I listen to people and feel their pain. I let them know I care for them and if they need anything to just come and talk to me. Also I get people gifts, I say "have a good night" through text sometimes, and I remind them that they are in my thoughts while I am away.
Caring doesn't mean you have to feed starving children in Africa. Although it may be the greatest thing you could do for a child, and I would applaud you for your efforts, starting small doesn't hurt. Pick up someone's textbook that falls on the ground. Hold the door open for other people. Say "Hello" to those whom are sitting alone at the lunch table. Do what you can to care.
Just the verse of today says "Let each of you look not to only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Be interested in other peoples affairs, care about other people and what they are going through. Don't be so wrapped up in yourself. It can be so easy to just ignore the harships of others and not care, but please, give a darn about others.
That's it for today,

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