
August 31, 2012

New Chapters = New Life...Sorta

Good Morning Oddballers,

Today I want to talk about starting somethiing new. However, I'm not going to do a bible verse today because I really just want to focus on the topic at hand....New Chapters in People's Lives.

I think we can all remember the first time we went to kindergarden. How nervous we were on the first day crying to not let mom or dad left us behind with that "scary teacher". That day seems like yessterday to me because well, my college journey has begun and there seems to be multiple occassions where I want to be that kindergardener all over again, so I don't have to deal with the stress of being on my own in MI while all the other family members are happily in WI.

It's a normal feeling to have for a "dork" like me, but sometimes the nerves just tend to get to me. You see, I'm am a dork, but I have a hard time speaking my mind when I want to say something, and making friends isn't the easiest for me either. I get nervous around a new group of people, and when that happens, I tend to clam up and not talk. I just stand to the side and observe people and how they react to situations. Most of the time, I would like it if the other person instigated the conversation first because, well, I really am not good at talking.

So what I want to say is. Feeling a little nervous is a good thing. Challenge yourself when you are in a new environment. Open your heart to new people and all they can bless and offer you. I will work on it and so will you,

CHALLENGE: Find someone in public you haven't met before and just start a conversation with them. You will never know what you can learn that way.

Much Love,


August 18, 2012

The Importance of Faithful Friends

"I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only Those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me." (Psalm 101:6 (NLT))
Mornin' Oddballers,

Today I want to touch on something that many of us don't often think about in our normal lives....and that is asking ourselves "Who are the people I hang out with on a daily basis and are they a good influence on me." Friendship is a wonderful, amazing thing. So it's important for all of us to really grasp how much we should be aware of our aquaintences.

Think of searching for good friends kind of like searching for a significant other. Only be around people that you like for their personality and MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON. Look for people who are faithful, loyal, and honest to you. Because those are the kinds of friends you want to have for the rest of your life. Just like the Bible verse says, "I will search for faithful people to be my companions" and so should you.

Have you ever had the feeling where you felt a little bit threatened or out of place by your friends??? I SURE HAVE. Especially if they don't respect my religious beliefs. There were occasions where I would hang out with a group of friends and then they would ask me to do things that I wouldn't want to do as a strong Christian, and then I wonder if they are really in the friendship for me or themselves. It is really annoying. However, now that I cleared out my facebook and am starting somewhat fresh with my friend base, I am looking closer at the kinds of people I associate myself with to determine if those people are good influences on me.

This is super important my oddballers, BAD FRIENDS= DANGEROUS TERRITORY. So if you get anything out of today, please look carefully at your friends. They shouldn't be pressuring you to be doing anything you are not comfortable with, and such. Follow your heart and you will have a good idea if they are ceepers.
Well, Why the heck am I saying these things...Well, Look at the last part of the verse.
"Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me."

Yeah, it seems self explanitory enough..Just look at the people you surround yourself with.
I can't Stress that Enough guys. Faithful friends are always the way to go.

CHALLANGE: Watch the's a great song about frienship that lasts..and I think it fits because a lot of my friends graduated and are leaving for college very soon. So Watch and Enjoy.
Have a Great Day,


August 17, 2012

Never Give Up,...Even If You Ran Out Of Chocolate

"That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day." (2 Corinthians 4:16 (NLT))
It's Been Awhile Oddballers,
but I'm back and running again. I had to take some time off to really look at my life preparing for a second chance to change it in college.

Today's verse is on perserverence. I believe I may have touched on this awhile back, but repetition doesn't hurt whatsoever.
So, to explain why the dork in me is writing about this is...well..I don't know. But I think a lot of you can relate to encountering roadblocks in our lifes every once in a while that stop us from achieving what we truely desire. This happens to me all the time. Things get in the way, whether it's a good thing or bad thing, they do. Like losing a great relationship, a rejected letter from your number one college choice, or maybe something on the lines of LACK OF DETERMINATION.

I've been feeling number three the past few weeks. I felt like there was no point to anything I have been doing with my life and that there is no reason for me to go on doing any of it if there is no point...shockinly(not really), my brain is Super Duper Dead Wrong.

I have been praying for God to get me back on my feet, but I guess many times in my life I forget the fact that God is a very spontaneous, loving, and Super POWERFUL. I think many of us underestimate the potential that God has when it comes to inmpacting our lives.  Instead of recieving God in only a level that you understand, have some Freakin' faith oddballers and believe that God has a plan for you, BEYOND the expectations you give him.
If I have to stress anything on this blogpost, I"m going to say it now. DO NOT UNDER LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS FOR GOD just because you aren't getting what you want right now. Through God, we can do anything we set our minds to. That's why you should never give up. We are being renewed everyday by the spirit and we should consider that when we decide to get frustrated with God because our prayers haven't been answered.
Even If you Ran out of Chocolate and you are Desperately Craving it...Don't give up..Go to the store..and get some.
This Idea = Freakin Awesomeness !!!

So my lovely oddballers..I actually have a Challenge for you today.
CHALLENGE: Write down a goal you have for god..tape it to a mirror or something you look at daily..and just watch overtime and see if that goal has been reached.
WATCH THIS VIDEO..and listen to the lyrics..:D

Have a Rockin' Day,


August 2, 2012

Staying In the Light...SOOO HARD TO Do

"My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going." John 12:35 NLT

Mornin' Oddballers,

Sorry I have been a bit MIA for ya, but I needed a lot of contemplation on many things in my life. One thing that I want to address is the fact that I am trying insanely hard to be normal, but I forgot to realize that for me, that isn't really humanly possible. LOL so I am just going to be myself and accept it.

Today's Topic though, is on failure because I really want to address the fact that when this happens to people like myself, it takes a LOT to recover from it. I of course have been trying to get in shape for a while and have been back in forth for a long time just to wake up this morning and weigh more than I did the past four months. It sucks...I really hate failing at stuff. But I guess so does everybody else. I'm sure a ton of people can relate to me about this.

So about the verse today, I think it fits really well because Jesus in this statement is basically asking you to stay in the light as long as you can. Darkness is a difficult thing to really put into consideration when you are contemplating your life, and it is one of the most destructive things for people. I feel like the darkness tries to overtake me all the time with negative thoughts about myself, making me feel bad about myself, and making me doubt my talent. I know that I shouldn't listen to those thoughts and stay in the light but sometimes it just gets to the point where I just can't stay positive because the cut it too deep. Meaning more the less on the lines of what most people call trigger points.

Trigger points are words or actions done by people that trigger emotion. Usually it's negative. Mine is getting on a scale and seeing my weight. Ugh its the worst thing in the world. I really really hate it very much. I still wish I was the fit me that I used to be a year ago..and now that  I am not..I feel like thirty two pounds more that I can never ever get that back. It really sucks for me. So I know that whatever triggers you to feel this way about yourself. Just keeping swimming in the Light pool nommatter how hard the bullies in the Dark pool are harassing.

Another thing I find completely true is the fact that when one is in the darkness. They cannot see where they are going. THIIS IS SO TRUE.

When I get to what I call my "Low Place" I really have no idea where my emotioins are taking me and sometimes they take me to an extreme level. I feel really lost when I am this way and I really wish I could change things about it. It's so difficult.

My challenge for you all today is to really tell those negative thoughts in your life to SHUT UP. It's hard for me so I know it will be hard for you. But as oddballs I think we are in this together. SO Lets do it.

Have a Rockin' Day
