
September 12, 2012

Enjoy the World We live in Cuz God Created It

Morning Oddballers,

No verse today. I want to focus on something that I am very passionate about. It's the concept of "stop to smell the roses." I'm sure you have heard of this saying before, but sometimes, I think we forget what exactly what it's saying.

Every night and every morning, I stop on a bench or sit on the grass and I watch the sunrise, the sunset, and the stars. Not only is it a great relaxation tool, it gets me to think about how my day went. Also, whenver I lead a small group for Operation Snowball (join a retreat if it's in your area, highly recommended for personal growth) I would take my group out my the lakeside and we would sit down and just look at the sunrise and think about how beautiful the Earth really looks when we try not to think about the technology.

Today, the post will be short, because I want to be blunt about this topic. Enjoy the beauty of Earth. It has amazing features that only can be seen by stopping and really looking. So today, I CHALLENGE you to stop tonight and just stare at the stars for about 10 minutes. I think you will see something that you haven't seen before.

God created an amazing Earth, and I want you to see it too.

Much Love Oddballers,


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