
February 6, 2013

I love you all as Brothers and Sisters

"With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love," (Ephesians 4:2)
Mornin' Oddballers,

I want to make this a bit quick today. I want to talk about something deep that has been bothering me the past few weeks. I have been struggling with the feeling of being deserving of a relationship with someone on a romantic level. For some reason, there seems to be a "worthiness" issue and I find myself consistently doubting the success of things when I know that I can emotionally handle something on that lines. So I have spent some time looking up God's love and what that means to me in my life, and I learned that nomatter how I feel, I deserve to be loved and so do you too.

Love is a funny thing. People use the word all the time like its the glue that takes a relationship from friendship to "more than friends". In my opinion, the word love belongs to all of my relationships with people. I love my friends, I love my family, it only makes sense to describe it that way. I don't "love" grilled cheese. I "like" griled cheese. If you love God, I wouldn't put him on the same level as grilled cheese. I heard that in a video on YouTube one time. hahaha.

Anyway the verse today talks about loving each other like brothers. Not saying that women can't love each other as sisters. It's just using brothers to represent both genders. In all honestly, I love you all as brothers and sisters of Christ. I try to be as humble, gentle, patient, and kind with all the brothers and sisters around me. You are all family to me. And I love you all. :)

Just wanted to let you all know that today.


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