
February 7, 2013

A letter to My Readers

"Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 97:10) (NIV)
Dear Oddballers,

Today I'm going to play it a little chill because I want to address to you all why I write my blog. I have asked myself this question recently and I just want to let you all know what the response to that question is. I left a Bible verse as well today because I want to make sure that I am still incorporating somewhat of a devotional into my post.

The first reason is that it reminds me why I am on this planet as a Christian. I'm one of those people that needs a constant reminder of my worth to God and society. This blog is a way that I dive into the scripture and am reminded on my reason for waking up every morning. My life has continually been struggle after struggle. I don't usually get a break on life to be honest. I have talked to some people recently and they told me how they feel so blessed sometimes that they honestly want to struggle a little bit so that they can grow in their faith. Personally, I think either extreme is a struggle. I'm one of those people that has expirienced Many Many different things in my lifetime that should never be expirienced by any individual, however, it makes me stronger in that I can connect with people on all different walks of life. I can attempt to understand the kind of pain and suffering they are induring and have somewhat of an idea the kind of support they need. That it why I need a reminder all the time. I tend to lose my focus. Writing Monday-Friday on this blog, Saturday video blogs, and Sunday Hope Daily Devotional contributions is a way I'm consisteently reminded. :) Now you know.

The second reason is that I have unconditional love and a passion to serve others through my words. Mostly in the form of writing and speaking. My top love language is quality time, I strongly value one on one conversations and its how I learn to connect. This blog makes me feel like I can talk to each person one on one on topics that tend to hit my mind. It helps me build a connection with strangers so that I can give back in a way that satisfies my need for intimate relationships with people. That also explains why when I don't get quality time with people it causes me anxiety. I want to be around the people I care about. This also explains why reading my Bible isn't as fullfilling than it is to most people. I need my meditation and solitude on a daily basis to feel fullfilled.

The third reason is that I LOVE Christ and strive to be a biblical woman. I appreciate all the love, messages, support, and comments many of you have said to me on how I'm such a strong woman of God. IT's so hard for me to believe sometimes, but it is my strength other than the Lord our God and affirmation that writing is a way that I can consistently live my life for Christ.

You all are fantastic, Enjoy your Days to Come,

Praise God.

God loves you just as much as I do <3


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