
January 23, 2016

The Internet and Love: How Am I Supposed to Respond to this without Banging My Head on theTable?

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's time to get a little personal, vulnerable, yatta yatta. It's been a really long time since I've posted on the blog, and since I'm doing this for my lovely students in Mass Media Literacy, I suppose I should update the students and the long time veterans here on the blog.

1. I'm engaged and getting married in June to the wonderful man in the picture.
2. I'm doing really well and hope to write more on my blog very soon.
3. Y'all are awesome.

Now peeps,
The Internet is HUGE! I mean the largest thing I've ever set my eyes on. I only know a sliver of it and already I'm intimidated by how much information is on there. Can't handle it.

Online Dating is intimidating. Not that I've ever participated, but sometimes when you're single, you get lonely, and you get desperate, and then BAM online dating readily available for your naked eye to register and pay money for each month? Sounds awesome, right? Well, let us look a little further into this - shall we?

Here's some data...
Although there are a couple free online dating sites, there are some paid ones, and their audience is HUGE!

Nonetheless, what does this say about relationships?
Well, I figured a little anecdotal evidence wouldn't hurt. So here it goes.

I met my man at a bible study. In person. We met a few more times. In person. And even with that, there was minimal texting and Facebook message coordination. I practically only really talked to him in person. We became official after that.

I went back to college. That was difficult considering I was out of state and needed to figure out a way to stay in contact with him. So, of course, we Skype and text each other, but there is something wrong with that. I didn't realize it until I met back up with him at the end of the semester.

1. I felt more and more single the longer I was away from him.
2. It's really hard to get to know a person when face to face time is minimal.
3. I had more desires to impress other guys, and sometimes there were moments where I would question his or my loyalty.
4. Texting and Skype didn't feel like enough, I always felt like a piece of my heart was missing from the conversations.

This may not say much, but what it does say is that maybe there was a reason why we marry people in person and not online (oh Lord heavens I hope that's not a thing).

Relationships are awesome when you feel that sense of connection and can look into their eyes and see love.

I personally, if I had a choice, would be to not live out of state anymore. I would LOVE to be with my man and build our relationship. That's the important thing. But since I'm at school, I need to deal with the situation I'm in. Luckily it's temporary, but I'm going to do my very best to come home and see him in person because that's what love is all about - spending a lot of money on travel! LOL not really.


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