"Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)Good Morning Oddballers,
Today I want to brush on a topic that has been bothering me for a little while. Earlier I was talking about in one of my video blogs on acknowledgement and how women should notice the little things more that a guy does for them instead of worrying about the major things that they don't do. Going off of that, there has been a few things that I have observed in the past few months that I want to touch on. Guys, you honestly have nothing major to worry about today. You're off the hook. It's the ladies I want to talk to today. I want to talk about women respecting the guys.
YES. respect is mutual. I know LOL. It's a hard one to understand. The women reading this are probably thinking, "Well, I do respect the guys in my life." I'm sure you do to some degree, but there are a few technical things that I don't necessarily like that many women do.
What women should realize is that part of respecting guys is the way we dress, the way we talk, and how we present ourselves. Ladies, I'm not saying all \ladies, but if you decide to walk around town showing a lot of skin, guys are going to look at you. It's natural, I'm sure they can't necessarily help themselves. But honestly, the kind of attention you are getting isn't the best kind of attention. Respect the guys and cover up a little bit. Not only is that modest, it makes it easier on the guys. I'm sure. I'm not a guy so I wouldn't know persay if that helps or not. But logically, it makes perfect sense to me.
This verse I chose today really touches on the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. So what I'm saying is.
Be nice. Be polite. Don't try to act like a guy because you aren't. LOL I notice sometimes that girls will swear and talk like guys just to sound a bit cooler around the guys you like or are interested in. To me, it's important to not lose yourself while pursuing a guy. That's another talk for another time. For now, I feel that guys would respect you more if you give them respect by the way you talk and act around them. Don't swear all the time, be gentle, do nice things, communicate. Give them the respect they deserve, and I'm sure you will get awesome respect from them in return.
It's a give and take relationship..
I"m done ranting for today. But I encourage you to read the verse and really soak it in.
Much love everyone
I don't know if putting on more clothes makes it "easier" for guys, but it does leave more to the imagination. ;)