
November 25, 2013

On Being a Jerk and Skidding on Ice...It Makes Sense if you Read it...I think

Hey Oddballers,

Photo Taken by Oddball

It's been a long time, TOO long actually, but I guess I needed the time off to really focus on what kinds of things I needed to be writing about. And honestly, I don't think I was being completely open and honest with all of you in regards to what needed to be said.Writing is more than just coming up with a topic and writing about it. It encompasses many things, like art, passion, love, responsibility, and diligence. Hopefully, I will take some more time to write meaningful and heartfelt posts for all of you out there.

At this very  moment, I am writing next to two, very inappropriate and downright rude men. They literally sit inside and talk about people in negative ways. I will not give examples but honestly the fact that are in a Christian campus is really disappointing. They should be careful with the words they use in daily life because you never know who might be listening. In this case, it is a returning blogger. Who decided to write about them because they inspired me to think about what types of qualities we have in ourselves that make us just like them; total complete jerks.

I guess for me, my weakness would have to be something on the lines of not being able to tell when I'm being serious or not. I tend to be very sarcastic with the people I talk to and honestly, I probably need to stop being overly sarcastic. I guess that is what makes me a jerk. I tend to focus on myself sometimes and not really look at the bigger picture.

Is there something about yourself that makes you a jerk? I'm pretty sure if we thought long and hard we could come up with something that makes us a bad person. However, I don't think it is healthy to dwell on our faults, but to only be aware and make effort to correct them. It shouldn't be a sad story on how our lives are a complete mess because we just can't hurt ourselves that much. We live in a fallen and broken world, but we cannot dwell on the falseness qualities of the world. We need to stop and see all the wonderful miracles we are living in everyday.

For example, I slid on the ice with my car today, luckily I did not hit anything but I guess it opened my eyes to the reality that we cannot control everything in our lives. We are in a broken world, therefore there is a lot of ice we have to skid through to make it to our destination safe. You want to know the first thing I was thinking about when I skidded on the ice? I thought about God, and I said to myself, "God, get me through this!" and surprisingly I was completely calm the whole time. I realized that as a driver, you only can control so much and there comes to a point where the timing and environment no matter how you drive, will determine whether you survive the next five minutes. Life, is honestly like this. WE need God to be able to get us through the ice in our lives, and we need to be calm to not freak out and forget that God is with us.

That's all I have for today. :)

G'day Oddballers,

Be Odd, Be You, and Be a Christ Follower(if you want to be)


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