
January 25, 2013

Pure in Heart. The Goal we should all be striving to Reach

"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8)
Good Morning Oddballers,

Today is the last day of my first week of the new semester. Things are going quite swell, and I hope that it is the same for most of you. Even if you aren't in school. I hope your days have been less stressful this week. Today, I want to talk about pure hearts, because I believe it is the secret to my happiness and the reason why I can't stop smiling all the time.

Correction. There are a couple reasons why I smile all the time:

1. The Holy Spirit Dwells within me.
2. I find it pointless to let the small stuff affect the way I present myself to others.
3. I strive for a pure heart.

We aren't going to talk about the first two today, but we are going to talk about this idea of a pure heart and why it is so important.In my opinion, having intentions in your daily life that match up with ideas from the Bible is what I call a pure heart. Having the right thing in your mind and body, and doing whatever it takes is the foundation of good Christianity representation. Pure hearts is an awesome way to start if you are new to your Christ journey and don't know where to begin. It's a basic but extremely difficult idea.

So many times we think negative things but don't exactly say them out loud to those people. Truth is, that is not showing a pure heart that way. NOT having the negative thoughts in the first place is pure in my opinion. Yes, I do realize that because we are in a fallen world, there is no way we can reach absolute purity in our lives. That  is just a given, but we can get close. Noticing those thoughts, erasing them, and moving on is  a step in the right direction. That to me, is exactly what imperfect people should do in our world. Think more positively about yourself. Think more positively about life. Think more positively about Christianity. A Great way for people like you and me to work at making our hearts as pure as they can be so as we stand before God, we have a good representation of who we are. Raw and exposed to all truth.

That's all I really want to say today. I could ramble on and on but I think that being concise is more effective in this case.

Also I would like to add that I appreciate all of your comments and emails challenging my ideas as well. I love to hear different opinions on topics. I know I'm not perfect, and I konw that I'm not a guy and cannot speak for them. So thank you for your insight. It is extremely helpful and I like hearing from you.

Thank you for all you guys do to make my Christ journey and yours better for everyone.

God Bless,


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