
February 8, 2013

Do Not Obsess Over's not Like Everything has One Direction's faces on it. LOL

     "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope," (Romans 5:3-4) (ESV)
Good Morning Oddballers,

I really dislike making a One Direction refrence in my title because of their mass popularity in the United States, but I think it has some potential to be a good example for what I want to touch on today. First of all, I would like to ask you an direct question; "Have you every obsessed over anything?" The answer should be Yes..or I don't know because I think at some level we all have focused on something so much that it drives us crazy.There are a couple examples that I've seen recently that I think fit this example.

One Direction Fans...SOMETIMES. I mean, I like some songs that they wrote, but I don't sit and talk about them like I know them, follow their every step, listen to every interview, scream whenever their song is played on the radio, cry when I meet them in person. I just go, "That's song is decent." I listen to it and move on.

The Other Is Packer Fans...Since I live in Green Bay, WI. I know how religiously (no pun intended) they follow everything Packers. The newspaper is covered with Packer stuff, you cannot walk into a Target, Walmart, Shopko, Kohl's, American Eagle, Old Navy, or most other department stores and not find SOMETHING with either cheese or the Packer logo on it. The Fans are crazier than I have ever seen at any other sports event, and they dress like it to. Sometimes I feel like being a Packer fan to them totally takes over their life.

Too often people tend to focus on something other than God. The material things in this life tend to have us OBSESS over the minute details. Focus on God and the plan that he has for you.

One thing that I know works for me is to just stop what I'm doing at the end of the day, meditate with God and just set all of my stress, fears, and anxiety aside and just focus on the Lord and his plan that he has for me. Listening for the word of Lord and having a conversation with him about my struggles. It is a good way to change your focus to an area that is better than constantly obsessing over a celebrity or some other material posession.

I wish you all the best today..

Much Love and God Bless,


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