
September 15, 2012

I'm Not Spiderman and Neither is God

Good Morning Oddballers,

I'm not really going to do a verse today, because I may post a video blog later. However, I want to get something very clear: I am not Spiderman!!! Neither is God.

Those of you that are reading this and find this extremely confusing, it's okay because it is a very confusing inside joke. For some reason, a lot of the guys in my dorm find it funny to call me Spiderman because I made a comment on how I don't like spiderman and I'm not spiderman. Confused yet?? Good. So now, whenever they ask me if I'm spiderman I deny it, but they don't believe me. So now I'm frustrated and laughing to myself thinking "oh I"m a superhero" when I"m really just a normal average girl. And the funny thing about this whole thing is this: Neither is God.

Think about it, I never thought of God as some superhero that comes and saves the day because he never gave me a reason to believe that. Yes, He does mircales, yes, God is good, but he doesn't spin webs and knocks the Green Goblin out, so I"m going to have to say No, he is not Spiderman.
Isn't it funny how people tend to try and pick people out as a superhero and then only count on them to save the day in the films. Like this "Batman, come save us!!" Okay, REALLY!!?? Where is God in this whole idea of superhero and villian killing?? I don't know guys.

It tends to frustrate a little bit inside of me on how society picks people to become those "superheroes" in our lives because I strongly believe that the first person anyone should turn to is God. When I'm in a tough situation, I pray about it. When Guys confuse the living tar out of me, I pray for closure, and TRUST ME...I get closure..and not always in the nicest way, but it was the best way for me to get it. When I encounter a "supervillian" in my life, I always try and pray to God on how I can work through my anger and frustration on this person so that I don't take out my anger negatively on people I care about. That's just kinda how this dork rolls. LOL

So today, I don't really want to challenge you because I may challenge you in my video blog. So please, think about turning to God as a sorta-"superhero" in your life. And I'm saying sorta because he isn't technically a superhero, but he saves people. Lastly, I will say this for the last time, I AM NOT SPIDERMAN AND NEITHER IS GOD.



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