
August 31, 2012

New Chapters = New Life...Sorta

Good Morning Oddballers,

Today I want to talk about starting somethiing new. However, I'm not going to do a bible verse today because I really just want to focus on the topic at hand....New Chapters in People's Lives.

I think we can all remember the first time we went to kindergarden. How nervous we were on the first day crying to not let mom or dad left us behind with that "scary teacher". That day seems like yessterday to me because well, my college journey has begun and there seems to be multiple occassions where I want to be that kindergardener all over again, so I don't have to deal with the stress of being on my own in MI while all the other family members are happily in WI.

It's a normal feeling to have for a "dork" like me, but sometimes the nerves just tend to get to me. You see, I'm am a dork, but I have a hard time speaking my mind when I want to say something, and making friends isn't the easiest for me either. I get nervous around a new group of people, and when that happens, I tend to clam up and not talk. I just stand to the side and observe people and how they react to situations. Most of the time, I would like it if the other person instigated the conversation first because, well, I really am not good at talking.

So what I want to say is. Feeling a little nervous is a good thing. Challenge yourself when you are in a new environment. Open your heart to new people and all they can bless and offer you. I will work on it and so will you,

CHALLENGE: Find someone in public you haven't met before and just start a conversation with them. You will never know what you can learn that way.

Much Love,


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