"Thieves are jealous of each other's loot, but the godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit." (Proverbs 12:12 (NLT))G'day Oddballs,
Today I want to chat about jealousy and how sometimes we can get all wrapped up in everyone else's material goods.
Take celebrities for example. How many of us are guilty of secretly wanting something that they have or can easily have that we cannot?? How bout being jealous over the fact that your celebrity crush is taken by an amazing person?? How bout that girl/guy looking fantastic and you watch as all these people stare at them in awe??
What about your brother/sister?? Do they have something you wish you did?? Friends??? Parents??? Co-workers?? Teachers???
This is definitely not a new concept for me. There were many times where this "oddball" was wrapped up in the fact that another girl might have looked better than her. I do it more often than I should honestly. The bright side of this is, being envious of other people is a natural thing. Everyone does it to some degree. However, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS!
I cannot even imagine how others would have percieved me if I acted on all of my envious emotions. What would God think of me??? I don't even want to think about that..lol That is for another conversatioin in itself. But as the verse talks about from above.. Thieves are jealous of each other's loot.
They aren't talking about actuall thieves here..they aren't saying "you're a thief for being jealous of someone". Not even close.. its just giving an example. What if you were a thief?? Would you be jealous of other people's treasure?? That's what I believe they are talking about there. However, that isn't the important part of the verse..
"but the godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit."
This is the part we should be focusing on. Whether or not you have given your heart to Jesus (which I highly recomend btw), people should try to bear their own fruit. The thing is...what exactly does that mean??
Well according to some devotionals, it means creating good feelings instead and doing good deeds through God and God Alone. You see what they are telling me and you. Include God when you are feeling jealous of another person. Imagine praying about it and then all of a sudden, you won't feel envious anymore. Instead it would be something like peace, goodness, self-control, patience, joy, gentleness, faithfulness, and love.
God can do amazing things if we allow him to.
CHALLENGE: Remember a time when you were jealous of someone, then write it down. Take that piece of scrap paper, and rip it up. No one should be worked up over other's material possessions. You may feel better about yourself.
Have a Rockin' Day,
aka. Abbers :)
This is an awesome way to share your faith and help yourself and others