
July 16, 2012

Endurance and Bees??!!! What??

"let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us" (Hebrews 12:1) (NLT)
Howdy Oddballers,

Today's entry is a bit late...Sorry....HOWEVER I HAVE A LEGIT REASON..!!! Nonetheless, I'm sure you are wondering why the title of the blog post is so messed up today. Well, today is about endurance, whether or not you understand wht it has to do with bees..well.. i'll explain.

Let us first start with why the heck i'm writing my post so late at night. Well, I was on the computer and since I'm deathly terrified of bees, well, a bee flew at me and I screamed and ran upstairs and refused to come down until I felt safe enough and try to write my blog there you have it..The only reason why I am writing now is because of a bee.. The endurance part..well...I can run very far if a bee is by watch out people for a random screaming running lady on the street.

Now about endurance...I want to focus on the verse I posted today very see how it says let us strip off every weight that slows us down. Well, I'm guess many of you can relate to that statement in multiple ways. Mine, is carrying a backpack. Backpacks can get extremely heavy if you are carrying five textbooks and two binders in there.. yeah..heavy on the back and shoulders. Ouch!!. But lets imagine those textbooks were sins..and temptation????

Hmmm.. That is definitely a game changer isn't it??


I'm sure many of you can come up with some sins that you drag along with you ( jealousy, hatred, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. etc.)
But sometimes, we are in such desperate need waiting for God to pull us out of misery when we really should just STOP!!! and rethink. how about endurance...being patient and waiting f
or God to help us instead of being frustrated because the answer isn't comming RIGHT NOW!!

Hopefully..we all can push through our weights and pull them off our shoulders..because first of all, you can walk fast with a heavy backpack, and secondly, Who wants to read all those words in the humongous textbook anyway?? don't bother fussing about it..just throw it on the sidewalk (indirectly of course i don't think anyone should actually throw their textbooks if they need it for class..just saying).

"Especially if the sin easily trips us up.."

okay..this is important..some sins...really get to it's even more important that we get through it and endure..we will come out of it better people..i'm sure of that. And now, after reading this verse..i understand where the slang term "trippin'" came from. all know now. Hebrews 12:1. That's where "trippin'" was first introduced..hahaha.

CHALLENGE: find something that it weighing you down...and either pray about it or talk to someone about it.. get that heavy textbook off your shoulders..and have some endurance if that person doesn't answer to you right away..keep carrying that textbook..but don't let it slow you will come out of your backpack.

Have a Lovely Day/Night Oddballers,


July 15, 2012

Everyone Needs Rest Every Once in A While

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."" (Matthew 11:28) (NLT)

Good Day Oddballers,

Sorry about my week off. I wasn't writing for two reasons. One, serious writers block, and two, I wasn't in a good mental state for writing blog entries. But everything is all settled down now. So I will continue my usually blogging days.

Good News is, I most likely with be double dipping for you guys. Meaning I will be posting both video and blog entries some days this week so I can keep you guys updated on the goings on in Oddball's world.

Today, I want to talk to you about Rest, and leadership games.

I realize they have nothing to do with each other right now..but it will make sense later. I promise you.

Okay, have you every played a leadership game where there are two teams on each side of a yard and each team member is holdig unto a balloon. One person runs across the yard and hands that teams player their balloon. and then they run across with two balloons to the other side and hand another team member their balloons, and then that person runs across with three balloons..etc. etc.

Well, eventually team members have to end up helping the person carry all their balloons to the other side because there are WAY too many balloons.

Crazy isn't it?? So What does this have to do with rest?

Well, let us look at the Bible verse says "Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens."
Do any of you carry burdens??? I sure do!!. There are way too many things in this world that we have to think about and So many things that can seriously stress us all out. My burdens are college prep stuff. I have so much to pay for and not enough money for it.. It can be overwhelming.

So if you decide to get anything out of today's bog entry..please pay close attention to the rest of the verse "and I will give you rest."

Come to God with all of your burdens, stresses, balloons, etc. and give it to him. He can help you carry those heavy burdens that we all have. If you are not of the Christian faith...turn to someone who you are close to and realease all those Darn things that ruin our day and fill us with stress.

The burden will be lighter.. I assure you.

CHALLENGE:  If you have a balloon available, blow one up, write something that is bothering you on it, and then pop it. NO one NEEDS TO DWELL ON STRESSES.

Love ya Oddballers,

Aka. Abbers :)

July 9, 2012

8 Simple Ways to Encourage Others

"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 )
Well Hello Oddballers,
If it wasn't stated clear enough in the title, I guess I should tell you that today I want to talk about encouragement. Haha. So to start this blog post today, I want to ask a question to my fellow readers. HOW DO WE AS PEOPLE ENCOURAGE OTHERS?? Hmm...this is a tricky one isn't it...?? Yep, I am guilty of going on the internet and trying to look up the answer as well. However, if you are looking up the answer right now, close that website's window because I found the answer for you!!! (HOW NICE OF ME :D) So yeah according to Here are 8 Simple Ways to Encourage Others 

1. Show Genuine Interest. to the person, go out of your way for them...good eye contact. ALL that Jazz!!! Because showing generous interest in them as a person is absolutely essential to encourage another person

2.Acknowlege What's Important To Them. everyone needs a form of affirmatioin and validation that what they are saying/doing is a good thing..So freakin acknowlege it!!!!!

3.Say "Well Done." i guess this one is simple enough, but I don't think many people say this often. Remember to acknowlege when they are doing someting well (hahaha) and then say "Well Done." While you are showing genuine Interest.

4. Say "Thank You." now i know you are probably reading this going.WTF??!!! THANK YOU!?? Really??!!. But yeah, I'm serious and so is Dave Cheong. Thank people for all the great things that people do. Show genuine interest, acknowlege what's iimportant. say "Well Done and Thank You for the lovely performance." or something on that line depending on the situation. Besides, having the habit of saying "Thank You." Is an Awesome habit to have.

5.Reciprocate the Favor. meaning, if someone does something nice to you, do something nice for them. The Golden Rule is a great reminder: Do unto others and you would wish someone to Do unto you. So there. Be nice to people who are nice back.

6. Respond with Something Unexpected. spontaneousness is a great way to encourage someone. Do something nice out of the blue to show genuine interest in the person while acknowlege what's important to them.

7.Ask for Advice or Confide in Them. do this, if you look up to someone..ask them for advice or confide in them. its a simple way of encouraging the person to talk to you and/or support them by trusting them with information. This is a great way to encourage others :D

8. Offer to lend a hand. you should allready be doing this for your parents (guilty lol) but if you don't, well, offer to lend a hand to a person who may need help but doesn't ask for it. Ask yourself. this is a great habit to have in the first place.

Alrighty so those are the eight simple ways you can encourage someone. So now, unto my Bible verse today, I chose it because God encourages us everyday. The verse is telling us to be strong, courageous, and do not fear, because the Lord is with you. God, indirectly is encouraging you to be strong...HOW FREAKIN' AWESOME IS THAT???

What's even awesomer is the fact that he will never ever leave you either. Sometimes I even forget that he is there when I least expect him to be. So it's important as Chrisitans to acknowlege God so he can encourage us to do good things as well.

CHALLENGE: Think of Ways you can do everything on this list today and do it. Encouragement is always needed. :D

July 6, 2012

Is it Just Me, Or is Everyone Else Better Than Me??

"Thieves are jealous of each other's loot, but the godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit." (Proverbs 12:12 (NLT))
 G'day Oddballs,

Today I want to chat about jealousy and how sometimes we can get all wrapped up in everyone  else's material goods.

Take celebrities for example. How many of us are guilty of secretly wanting something that they have or can easily have that we cannot?? How bout being jealous over the fact that your celebrity crush is taken by an amazing person?? How bout that girl/guy looking fantastic and you watch as all these people stare at them in awe??

What about your brother/sister?? Do they have something you wish you did?? Friends??? Parents??? Co-workers?? Teachers???

This is definitely not a new concept for me. There were many times where this "oddball" was wrapped up in the fact that another girl might have looked better than her. I do it more often than I should honestly. The bright side of this is, being envious of other people is a natural thing. Everyone does it to some degree. However, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ACT ON THOSE FEELINGS!

I cannot even imagine how others would have percieved me if I acted on all of my envious emotions. What would God think of me??? I don't even want to think about That is for another conversatioin in itself. But as the verse talks about from above.. Thieves are jealous of each other's loot.

They aren't talking about actuall thieves here..they aren't saying "you're a thief for being jealous of someone". Not even close.. its just giving an example. What if you were a thief?? Would you be jealous of other people's treasure?? That's what I believe they are talking about there. However, that isn't the important part of the verse..

"but the godly are well rooted and bear their own fruit."

This is the part we should be focusing on. Whether or not you have given your heart to Jesus (which I highly recomend btw), people should try to bear their own fruit. The thing is...what exactly does that mean??

Well according to some devotionals, it means creating good feelings instead and doing good deeds through God and God Alone. You see what they are telling me and you. Include God when you are feeling jealous of another person. Imagine praying about it and then all of a sudden, you won't feel envious anymore. Instead it would be something like peace, goodness, self-control, patience, joy, gentleness, faithfulness, and love.


God can do amazing things if we allow him to.

CHALLENGE: Remember a time when you were jealous of someone, then write it down. Take that piece of scrap paper, and rip it up. No one should be worked up over other's material possessions. You may feel better about yourself.

Have a Rockin' Day,

aka. Abbers :)

July 5, 2012

It's Not Just Being Odd, It's Being Me

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded"  
2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)
 Hey Oddballers,

Today I'm going to write about strength. It sounds a bit "odd" written down, but hopefully as one reads through this post today it will make a bit more sense.

Alrighty, so for starters, I'm going to talk about my lovely adventure on the 4th of July. I went to a river with a group of friends, and there was a rope hanging on a tree branch. Which one is supposed to grab unto the rope, swing, and let go; falling into the river for a safe and totally wet landing. Hahaha. Well, sometimes the rope wouldn't come back far enough, so my guy friends would jump and try to catch the rope. So they could swing themselves back to hand it to the person who was going next.

The reason why I'm writing this is because I was extremely terrified to jump and try to catch the rope. But in my heart, I knew I wanted to try it and give it a shot. So I put my fears to the side, and jumped. I got a hold of the rope for about two seconds, and then my hand slipped. I fell into the river with a huge splash.

You see people, the verse above explains everything. I decided to be strong, and to not give up on myself. How many times do people let fear get ahold of them, and then they never did the things they wish they could?? I know I am totally guilty of this. I haven't done many things that I wish I could of these past couple years strictly because I was afraid. But because I was strong that day, my work will be rewarded. The reward on the fourth was having a fantastic time with a group of friends. In the begining, I acted a bit shy because I was afraid to do the things they were doing, but I built up the courage and decided to try everything, and I had an amazing time. I know for a fact that I wouldn't have enjoyed  myself if I didn't try to have a good time and face my fears.

God rewards us all the time for the things we do when we have strength. It surprises me every time how I feel when I face my fears head on. I feel empowered to do anything, and I know that it is possible for everyone else to feel the same way. So I hope that from now on, my oddballers will try to face their fears  and have strength so that they will be rewarded too.

CHALLENGE: Try something new today, think of something you wish you could do and try to make it happen. It may surprise you what might happen. :)

Keep Being Odd,

aka. Abbers :)