"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will recieve what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."
(Luke:11:9 (NLT))Good Day Oddballers!!!
Today I want to write about writing music, being a christian, and being a dork. Well, because I'm a dork, and a Christian, and I write music.
Heres the deal, most of the time when someone asks me "Why do you write songs with your twin sister?" my response is something on the lines of "Well, because its the only way my sister and I get along." However, I looked into some of the lyrics that we wrote recently, and I think the reason might be something else.. Check it out. This is an exerpt of our new song: The Middle
I don't know which, way to go
Light or Dark I don't Know
Close Encounters, Stained Water,
Oh I tried to let it Go
No battle can be won, when the deed is done
When you sell yourself away
There is no mountain higher, No one path is longer now, Not here
At least If I am taken, I'm led to one direction now, now.
The Middle
Okay, One would normally read this and go...Oh its a song about finding out who you really are and all that good stuff. But to me, it means more. This is a song about giving your life to Jesus, and how if you turn to the devil, your life will be full of darkness. The Song starts and ends with confusion, the way many of us are about religion and Christianity. "Which way is the right way? Is there really good and evil?"
I know I have questioned it myself a few times in my life, but when you go through life without God, there tends to be more "close encounters" with death, and "stained water" filled with blood. This person in the song is trying to let those awful images out of her head, but if you sell yourself away, you will never win that battle.
This is a fabulous song..and the ironic thing is...I wasn't even thinking about Christianity when I wrote this with my twin. HOW IRONIC
About that dang Bible verse. If we constantly ask God for stuff, you will most likely recieve it IF your heart is in the right place. Because remember what I said in yesterday's blog post: God judges you by what is in your heart.
IS JESUS IN YOUR HEART? Well, that is a whole nother issue in itself.
If we seek God,... I assure you, YOU WILL FIND HIM. Nomatter what situation you are in. If you pray to God and ask him "Where are you?" Oh heck yes you will definitely find out where he is.
And again, if you keep on knocking on Jesus's door, trust me, the gates of heaven will be open to you. It's that simple.
I know that as a Christian, NONE OF THIS IS EASY, but it is simple. It amazes me everyday when I see so many good people that think they are doing the right thing but because they were not with God, they found themselves digging a deeper hole.
Has that ever happened to you? Did you go through an issue thinking you made the right decision but then when it came down to it you were completely wrong and ended up more miserable than before. My question is..was God's opinion considered?? HMMMM...something to think about
Challenge For Today: First of all, Watch the video with the link below, the song is very inspirational and I think it will stimulate brain waves today. :D and SECOND, Think about the verse given, and comment about it on the blog. I wanna know what your thoughts are.
Keep on being dorks :D
Abbers aka Oddball
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