"These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Peter 1:7)Good Morning Oddballers,
Today is on the Spiritual Gift of faith, which to me, is one of my favorite gifts to possess. It involves a sort of confidence and trust in God that many people struggle with on a daily basis. In reality, if a challenge is faced in a person's life, one of the major things that becomes something to work on involves Faith. It is ultimately one of the most rewarding Gifts to have because of the fact that through faith so many other gifts feed off of it. Similar to Love in a way. Love is the foundation of many spiritual gifts, and so is faith. Think about it....what if Love and Faith was used in spiritual gifts???? We could seriously change the world.
So I chose this Bible verse today because I wanted to stress how important faith is to God, it says, "which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor." We need to be aware of how important Faith can be, even it is broken in a way because of the sinful world we live in. We need to have faith there at all times, regardless of our circumstances.
Let me put it to you straight forward. I'm a blogger, I'm a young woman, and I am going through some of the toughest things in life involving my family. I feel torn and pulled in mulitiple directions, but I have faith that through Christ he can help me calm myself down, and by wise in the situations that face me in my future. I have confidence and trust that nomatter what happens it is all a part of God's plan. I am extremely broken, I cry most of the time when no one is looking. I spend mos of my time being strong for my friends and letting them know how ultimately loved they really are. I spend a lot of my time sending off positive vibes to the people around me so that they know that regardless of my circumstances I have a reason to smile.
I have Faith in that. I have Faith in God. He died on the cross for me even though I don't deserve it, and I thank him for a million other little things and the millions of things that will come in the future. I know that through thick or thin, or any challenge that faces me, I have trust and confidence in the Lord. You Should Too. Faith is ultimately one of the most important things a Christ Follower can have.
So here this, I need you all to be Strong for me. Have faith in the Lord through your trials and tribulations. Be Strong for Jesus. He needs your strength so he can mold you into the man/woman God would be proud of.
Have a wonderful Holy Spirit Led Day,